Championnat d'Aquitaine Benjamins 2014

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Catherineau Alexandre5 1615 1:0 16434.5Gautier Dorian
Mathet Jeremy4 1511 0.5:0.5 16154.5Remacle Auguste
Blanchet Mathieu4 1716 0:1 17615Gelos Guillaume
Fournier Loic3 1587 1:0 10003Heliot Xabi
Noel Max3 1449 1:0 10002Medina Enzo
Brioulet Alexandre3.5 1574 0:1 10003.5Galaud Vincent
Daunas Mael3.5 1000 0:1 15273Sivanesan Raphael
Lahaderne Romain3.5 1335 0:1 13033.5Larghi Dimitri
Dupouey Leo2 1000 0.5:0.5 13653Bellan-Candebat Julen
Eloseguy Jean2 1411 1:0 10001Viriot Mael
Tunc Alptug2 1000 1:0 10000.5Durand Jason
Bui Huy Lam0.5 1000 0:1 12661Queyroi Florentin
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)