Championnat de Vendée 2014

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Maloberti David5 2013 1:0 17763.5Limousin Eric
Nicolleau Mathias4 2002 0:1 21244Flachet Thierry
Fourmond Tony3 1000 1:0 15763Lambert Eric
Kollar Romain3 1516 0.5:0.5 17713Stosic Dean
Lesage Nicolas3.5 1758 0:1 16593Lambert Thomas
Dore Vincent2 1247 0:1 16902Allain Frederic
Gaubert Cedric2 1000 1:0 10002Levavasseur Pierre
Carrey Alexandre2 1000 1:0 10002Boivin Emmanuel
Barre Laurent2.5 1407 0:1 15422.5Gregoire Roxanne
Kollar Guillaume2.5 1000 0:1 12672.5Pizzala Adrien
Lambert Pierre1.5 1294 1:0 10000Potiron Nathan
Carrey Mathieu1 1000 0.5:0.5 10000.5Gaboriau Dominique
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)