Championnat de Guadeloupe 2012

Name is required and should be at least 4 characters long.


Grego Pierre4 1888 1:0 19234Olivetan Eric
Moueza Olivier2.5 1741 0:1 19055Molia Jean-Marie
Olivetan Theo0 1000 0:1 10002Lubino Adrien
Clairville Livens3.5 1000 0:1 10004.5Cyrille Wilfrid
Gardet Thomas3.5 1000 1:0 10003.5Saint Auret Willy
Douglas Lionel3 1000 1:0 10002Rinaldo Gerard
Chauvet Clement1 1000 0:1 10001Colat Marcel
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)