Championnat d'Aquitaine Minimes 2014

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Doyen Remi5 1703 0.5:0.5 17485Gaborit Nathan
Houssaye Martin4 1594 0:1 16894.5Faure Remi
Folio Sascha3.5 1731 1:0 10004Cery Guillaume
Mata Maria3.5 1471 1:0 14903.5Delpech Florian
Carmona Berenger3.5 1000 0:1 10003.5Volpin Lea
Couturou Thomas3 1000 0:1 16933Nayral Simon
Fayemendy Teo2.5 1000 0:1 10002Guitard Laureen
Ako Serena1.5 1000 1:0 10001Villate Elba
Ruiz-Arramendy Eneko2 1000 0.5:0.5 10002Junger Quentin
Schneider-Veyriac Salome1 1000 1:0 14822Fabris David
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)