Demo Labuan State Competition 2023

Name is required and should be at least 4 characters long.


1SJKC CW4 1000 1:0 10004SK BK
2SK LL3 1000 0:1 10003SK P
3SK RR3 1000 1:0 10002SK B
4SK PD2 1000 0:1 10002SK SL
5SK TA2 1000 1:0 10002SK PP
6SK M2 1000 0:1 10002SK STA
7SJKC CH1 1000 1:0 10001SK LT
8SK K1 1000 0:1 10001SK SB
9SK PS1 1000 1:0 BYE
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)