Pre-Season 2023 KoG Friday Night YGO!

Name is required and should be at least 4 characters long.


1Madrigal Jesse9 1000 3:0 10009Lewis Kyle
2Dilks Dylan7 1000 3:0 10006Carver Noah
3Shook Caleb6 1000 3:0 10006Alford Adrian
4Boone Montana6 1000 0:3 10006Nguyen Kevin
5Tia Lyle6 1000 3:0 10006Damet Jaxx
6Feeny Jacob3 1000 0:3 10004Shea Y.
7Tia Axel3 1000 1:1 10003Haralson Gage
8Rose Aaron3 1000 3:0 10003Monfared Kamiar
9Dall Kyle0 1000 3:0 10003Von Reicher Eric
10Browning Adam0 1000 3:0 BYE
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)