2018 Jesuit Dallas Open

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1De Leon '19 E.3 1000 0:1 10003Dayton '20 S.
2Zimmermann '19 R.2 1000 1:0 02Gillett M.
3Knox '19 R.2 1000 0F:1F 10002Ueshima '19 K.
4Goetz '20 H.1.5 0 0:1 01Clement '19 C.
5Guan '20 P.1 0 1:0 10001.5Baxley '19 C.
6Collier '18 B.0.5 0 0F:1F 01Gonzalez '18 G.
7McCarley '20 B.0 1000 0:1 00.5Guo '19 W.
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)